Tuesday, March 22, 2011

The Vet Visit

Well, the veterinarian and I are starting to become real buddy's. But I am not sure that is a good thing! Anyway we went for a follow-up today and had some good and not-quite-as-good news.

The good news is that an X-ray was taken. It showed that as far as fluid my lungs are clearer (significantly) and my abdomen/chest was clearer with very slight fluid evident. The X-rays also indicated that my heart reduced in size. It is not 100% normal but better. That is very positive.

The good news also is that I am eating very well and the vet. even said to feed me more often and let me have as much as I want. Wahoo! This is supposed to help me in my recovery. Whatever the reason I say "Yes!". I sure perk up whenever I hear the clanging doggie bowls. Bring it on.

not-quite-as-good news is that I am fighting pneumonia. My other difficulties made it hard for my body to effectively fight off infection.

I am now on several medicines to help with the above challenges.

I promise some new pictures as soon as I'm a little better. I'm just too exhausted right now to post any.

Thank you to everyone for your prayers. I will get better. You'll see.

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