Wednesday, March 9, 2011

More With My Pibble "Aunts"

[REMEMBER: Click on my photos to see them BIGGER... I'm cuter then!]

Well here I am again. Still feeling under the weather - because I am still sick but also THIS weather, ugh! All that rain and wind is NO FUN. It makes me cold and nervous, plus how am I supposed to go to the bathroom when the yard is flooded. Give me a break people!

I am still taking medicine for my cold. Yuck! I am better sometimes but yucky at others. I sure hope to get well soon.

Anyway, as you'll see below again, I have some good snuggle aunts. They like to sleep a lot also, like me right now. But when I get better they should get ready for some fun, woohoo!

Let the pictures of cute ME begin.

My foster parents say this is pretty unusual for Stormy Sky. She is NOT the mommy type... she is the bossy type. They say her name fits her. I wonder though since she is being nice to me... see!

Now see Heather Belle here? She IS the mommy type. My fosters say she never had puppies of her own but if she had they would have been the most cleanest and attended to of any puppies. Here she is getting ready to start....

See now, Heather Belle has started and as usual Stormy Sky has to supervise and make sure everything is kosher. Everyone minding their p's & q's. Heather Belle sure has a big tongue compared to me!

Ah, yes, get that spot right there.

All done and ready for nap time. Did you notice my cool sock pajamas? They help keep me warm (although I like to take them off when mom and dad are not looking). But I still say thank you to some person named Garland whose idea this was.

Now this is what I call snuggle time. Off to lala land for me now. Yawn. G'nite y'all....

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