Saturday, March 26, 2011

"Road Trip!" / 3rd Week With Foster Family

[REMEMBER: Click on my photos to see them BIGGER... I'm cuter then!]

Well, I have now returned to Birmingham to have further tests conducted on my poor sickly body. I have had an ultrasound performed, blood tests, vet. exams, and few other things done. Hopefully soon they will have an answer to what ails me. Please keep me in your prayers. Thank you.

Here's me with my friend Garland. I am the navigator.

Here I am at the veterinarian. They poked and prodded me and I did my best to let them know I was not happy. But in the end they were bigger than me and it was not a fair fight.

Where's my Mommy?

Can I rest now, please?

Ah, now this is rest.
I played with that little stuffed duck for about fifteen minutes.
That was a record for me.

Thanks to everyone who
- has cared for me
- contributed to my care
- or prayed for me.

1 comment:

  1. Yes.I will defiantly follow your road trip.Your photo is so nice.Thanks for sharing it.More about Precious pet road trip check out: Pit Bull
