Saturday, March 19, 2011

Saturday - 2nd Week With My Foster Family

Well it has actually been a week since my last post. That seems so long and it has been eventful. But since my foster family could not post any more cute pictures I did not post what was happening. They had no pictures to post because the cell phone connecting cable went out of town on Spring Break with the two youngest of my foster family. So, even though I DO really have some more cute pictures to show you, they will have to wait. Be patient people, they will come, and us puppies can only do so much, ya'know.

But there really is a more important reason for my not wanting to post this week. I have still been under the weather all week. I have not been in the mood for writing, I just want to feel better. My fosters and my rescue group (BBR, WooHoo!) were concerned enough to return me to the veterinarian again.

The veterinarian took two x-rays, one side view, one top view. They were really interesting to look at (is that really me?). She showed us at length and explained in great detail what is going on.

First, I have an enlarged heart. She doubts it is merely swollen due to my recent illness/infection/etc. Any swelling should have calmed by now. It likely is a result of heredity (thanks mom and dad!). My heart, for now anyway, is pushing up on my trachea. This is partly why I continue coughing.

My heart is also pushed up against my lungs more than normal but the veterinarian doesn’t think that is a big concern.

The second reason for my coughing and illness is that I also have fluid in both lungs, especially the left one. Also, below my lungs there is fluid build-up which is probably a result of the lung fluid build-up. I got a diuretic shot to help clear up that fluid build-up. Plus I am on pills for that now.

For my heart I am at least temporarily on pills to help lower my blood pressure and heart stress. The veterinarian instructed my foster parents to reduce stress as much as possible. No more climbing our 2nd floor steps for me now (yep, I can do that!). No more “long” walks either. The best part is now I get moist dog food to ease with my eating so I am not stressed and it allows for easier swallowing so I may not have breathing/coughing problems while eating. I had at least been eating and drinking reasonably well already this past week. The veterinarian noted also that dogs with my problem tend to run smaller in size and that may be part of the explanation for my diminutive stature/size/weight.

We will return on Tuesday to the veterinarian for a follow-up status check to see if all the medicines have helped.
We may then go see a specialist to determine what is best for my future.

Finally, here's some good news
(it's not all bad, people).

The first blessing
is that I decided to have BBR rescue me when I figured out that it needed doing. They are very committed to my well-being and are looking very hard at getting me the best care possible. Thank you BBR!

The second blessing
is that BBR has some wonderful people who donate to help puppies like me and Ellie Mae so we can get well and enjoy this wonderful life. Thank you People!

The third blessing
is that I picked a good foster home to be in. They have two nice Pibbles who I can snuggle up with and there is someone home nearly 24/7 to keep an eye on me. I am rarely alone. Thank you, my foster people.

And thanks to all of you praying for me. What a blessing you are for me.

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