Wednesday, March 23, 2011

New Pictures!

[REMEMBER: Click on my photos to see them BIGGER... I'm cuter then!]

OK Followers and Friends Everywhere. Here's some newer pics of ME...
and you probably might notice my aunts in here as well, but ignore them, this is all about me.

Now ain't this the definition of cute?

How could anyone resist me?

In case you have not noticed, I like to snuggle.

One of those times when I felt better. The sun was out and the grass was fun.

I was still retaining water in my lungs and chest at this point, so I look chunky.
But, I don't look chunky now after my medicine regimen (as they call it).

Snuggling with my heating pads.

Queen of the hill, that's me.

Serious snuggling on those cold evenings. Brrrrr.

Look what my fosters left for me. Aren't they considerate?

You might notice a trend in these pictures.

OK, I'll allow one picture of my Aunt Stormy Sky.
My foster parents say this is her
"Mom, why have you allowed a puppy into our home again?" look.

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