Thursday, March 31, 2011

Intensive Care for ME

[REMEMBER: Click on my photos to see them BIGGER... I'm cuter then!]

Well folks, as you probably already know. I've had a real rough time of late. It turns out that I have Distemper. No wonder I am so miserable. It's real hard on doggies and especially puppies like me. But I am fighting it as best I can. Most importantly though my foster family Bama Bully Rescue is working hard to help me overcome this challenge. Garland and Deanna especially have done so much for me. I'll do the best I can to repay them by fighting hard to overcome this difficult time in my life. Here's some pictures from my journey.
Please keep praying for me. Thank you all.

Peace, rest, and a warm blanket. I am blessed.

I am only a little miserable here, but know I am in good hands.

Here I am getting special light therapy. Aren't these colors cool?
Am I hallucinating?

Hold that camera still or you'll never get my best side.

Here I am getting my morning light therapy...
and more homeopathic medicines on the way!

We all won't stop fighting!!

I sure need my rest.

Here's a special treat:
Click here for a video of me.

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